Tuesday, March 16, 2010


These past two weeks I have been so busy. Two big work projects and I have a friend in town for a couple of days so there was big cleaning and cooking to do this weekend. I managed to get in about 3 miles every other day. I still have the foot pain so that is all I can do right now. I ordered some new inserts to try and help. Hopefully they will get here soon and work.

This past weekend I went to the one and only "Get started" meeting here in Portland. It was mostly walkers planning on the 3 day in Seattle. I was happy to find out that we have at least one leader here in the area who sets up training walks. Woo Hoo! I also decided that I needed to get serious on starting my fund raising. I started simple by posting on Facebook and already have 2 donations totaling $300. Someone I worked with 10 years ago gave me $150. How awesome is that? Woo Hoo!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

No miles today

My feet are still hurting from the 4 miles yesterday. I don't know whats up with that since I just got new shoes that feel great. I did some research and it sounds like I might need to get some fancy insoles.

Instead of walking today I saw "A Single Man." I have a goal of seeing all 10 best picture nominations before the Oscars Sunday night. The movie was really good. Colin Firth is an amazing actor and Tom Ford did a great job directing his first film. The movie was set in 1962 California so mostly I sat there and drooled over the sets and costumes. Now I just need to see "Blind Side" and "The Hurt Locker."

After the movie I went to Oregon Humane Society (OHS) to work on my new volunteer project. The program gives anyone who qualifies on public assistance a spay or neuter at OHS for $10 per cat. We even have a small group of volunteers who will taxi them back and forth for people who can't make it. You should hear the calls I am taking with people desperate to get their cats fixed. The female cats are coming into heat right now and I can hear them yowling away in the background. Luckily we are scheduling them pretty quickly. The goal is 10,000 spay/neuters this year.

Anyway, that was my day. I am going to try and walk tomorrow. I feel like right now I might need consistency more than mileage right now. Walking needs to become a habit and something I do everyday!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


4 miles today and I fit it in on a pretty busy day. My feet hurt a lot still but better after resting. If they are OK tomorrow I am going back out.

While I walked today I started thinking about the camping part of this event. Yikes! Camping is typically not an activity that I enjoy. I like modern conveniences far too much. As a kid my dad would take us camping with our cousins in the New Mexico mountains. It was so fun however, I was always the kid that got hurt or fell off the log into the water. As a teenager my I went camping with my BFF and her family a couple of times in Florida. This is what sealed the deal with my dislike of camping. Bugs, snakes, humidity......oh, it's just so awful!

Camping at the event sounds much better than my past experiences. They will have some modern cons and I will be with fun people. I will also be so tired that a pile of leaves will look like the Hilton. As long as I don't have to cross any streams via a log I bet it will be great and I will do just fine.

My mom and I love the image posted above. This has been posted in my workspace for a while now. It fits.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My first post

I can't believe I have a blog. I do not enjoy writing about me and I have horrible spelling, grammar and punctuation. Hopefully all the edit buttons on this will help with some of that. Please excuse the mess that this will probably be.

So, November 12 - 14 I will be joining team Trekkin' for Ta-Ta's in walking 60 miles in 3 days in Phoenix. I am going to be a walking fool until then so I don't let down my teammates when the big weekend comes.

I am all ready to get this party started! I have new shoes and socks, fresh tunes for the Ipod, big supply of Power Bars and a great team of friends and family to cheer me on.

Diego is my own personal cheerleader. In the above photo he is modeling a Calvin Collar from The Cat in The Clover on Etsy. My teammate is selling these and donating the profits to her fund raising goal.